Take legal advice now

LB Solicitors offers FREE 24 hour call out to Police Stations and PICS (Police Investigation Centres) throughout East Anglia, particularly Norfolk and Suffolk. This is for all age groups including Juveniles and for those not only arrested but voluntary attenders too and interviews in Mental Health Hospitals by arrangement.

The areas we specialise in..

Criminal Law

Road Traffic Offences

Crown Court

Police Station Attendance

Magistrates Work

Police Stations

Magistrates and Youth Courts

Police Stations


FREE 24 hours a day, 365 days a year call out to Police Stations and PICs (Police Investigation Centres)

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Whether under arrest or as voluntary attenders

Interviews at Mental Health Hospitals by arrangement

Lucy always strives to attend personally

All Police Stations and Police Investigation Centres (PIC) covered in Norfolk and Suffolk and further afield where necessary

Crown Court and Appeals

LB Solicitors covers all Criminal cases in the Crown Court, including POCA (Proceeds of Crime Applications)

Highly experienced Barristers are instructed to advocate on the client’s behalf in addition to the solicitor, ensuring they get the best possible result

Crown Court and Appeals

All hearings covered personally in most cases

All offences covered from the less serious such as Drunk and Disorderly to most serious including Manslaughter and Murder

Motoring offences dealt with including Exceptional Hardship or Special Reasons arguments to reduce or prevent a ban

Legal aid cases welcomed as well as cases which are privately funded

Vulnerable Youths and Adults dealt with sympathetically including instruction of highly experienced experts including Psychiatrists and Psychologists to assist in fitness with plead hearings

Disabled Access

LB Solicitors offers full disabled access on notice, if required. Home visits can be arranged in certain circumstances. Please contact us for more information.